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Human rights


Human Rights – GBV, Grass-root & Policy Advocacy

Care for a girl Uganda is dedicated to advancing human rights with a specific focus on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), grassroots initiatives, and policy advocacy. To enhance and strengthen efforts to end violence against young women and girls at all levels, the organization employs a multifaceted approach.


One key strategy involves actively promoting and supporting young women and girl Education Campaigns. By emphasizing the importance of educating girls, the organization contributes to empowering them, recognizing education as a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of violence and discrimination.


Collaboration is another critical element, as the organization forms Coalitions, Alliances, and Networks with entities that share a common interest in combating gender-based violence. This collaborative approach aims to create a united front, fostering collective efforts and resource-sharing for a more comprehensive and impactful approach.


Sensitization and Awareness Raising programs play a pivotal role in changing attitudes and perceptions within communities. By actively engaging in these initiatives, Care for girl Uganda seeks to raise awareness about the prevalence and consequences of gender-based violence, creating an environment that rejects violence against young women and girls.


Media Campaigns are leveraged as a powerful tool to amplify the organization’s message against gender-based violence. Through various media channels, including television, radio, and social media, the campaigns challenge societal norms, encourage collective action, and foster dialogue on the importance of ending violence against girls.


In addition, Care for a girl Uganda implements the Paralegal Model, training individuals to provide legal assistance and support to victims of gender-based violence. These paralegals serve as advocates for justice, helping survivors navigate legal processes and ensuring their rights are protected.


In summary, the organization’s approach involves education, collaboration, awareness building, media engagement, and the implementation of a Paralegal model. Through these concerted efforts, Care for a girl Uganda strives to create a more just and supportive environment, working towards the eradication of violence against young women and  girls at all levels.